Click on the pages to make them bigger, and zoom in to see all the tiny details and hidden in-jokes. :) i am working on a better format, but for now this one will have to do. Thanks for your patience.


one'a those daily challenge, kinda' resolutiony thingies, my style...

WELL, i've made it through the holidays without biting anyone so far (and only one bad bite receieved my own self - poor scared puppeh <3), so I'd say that's pretty good odds. And in part, I must thank my old friend and favorite back-monkey, JAVA...
Since I've already had approximately 14 different ones of these (see amazing list of coffees here!) in the last couple of weeks,  I don't feel too bad about starting my "resolution" on the 6th day of the year. I'm looking fwd to this one...
I have recently had an au lait, breve, americano, latte (cow and soy), miel, mocha, cappucino, cortada, eggnog latte, iced coffee, liqueur coffee, turkish coffee, macchiato, pumpkin spice latte, mint mocha, and regular coffee. I made all of them except some of the regular coffee and a couple of the lattes. :)all the normal stuff. so now i will start on the more exotic ones next and report! :D
Here is a link to my document, with a list of all the variations on coffee I could find so far and want to try. I will update as I give the new variants a - haha - shot.

"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger - or perhaps just kills you more slowly." - sll

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