Click on the pages to make them bigger, and zoom in to see all the tiny details and hidden in-jokes. :) i am working on a better format, but for now this one will have to do. Thanks for your patience.


Miss R'Lyeh, 2012

(this is one you'll definitely want to click on for close-ups - i have a lot of little hidden art in here!)

I was invited to do a pinup for a new horror comic - "Selpulchre", coming soon from State of Fear Studios, out of my hometown (woot!). It's a horror compilation featuring stories and splash pages from Brian LeBlanc (as everyone knows, one of my faves), Ken Davis, Dennis Culver, Chow Martin and other local talent - including a sweet wraparound cover by James Powell. I've had it under wraps for a while, waiting for the release of the comic, but this pinup was soooo weird/odd/cute - and as far as i know unique - that I begged my editor-dearest to pleasepleaseplease let me post it - HER! - as a Samhain treat for my friends. Since the comic will be released in bold, beautiful black and white (except for JP's gorgeous cover), I thought I'd make my special SLO Halloween Treat Release FULL COLOR, FULL FRONTAL TENTACLES for all my fans. enjoy!

'Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtagn!'


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